Day Off #2
The excitement of finding the Indian ruins rumored to be in a cave in Tiny Canyon and its proximity, less than a mile and a half from the RV park, made this destination an easy decision. With a topo map and brief, extremely sketchy description, this promised to be an adventure.
When we reached a plateau about halfway up the ridge forming the canyon's northern side, Fred realized the GPS which had been clipped to his belt was gone. We felt we'd be able to reach the cave using the map and continued on. At top of the ridge, we stopped to consult the map--that was no longer there. Fearing we'd get lost 'cause we didn't have the map or the GPs, we descended the ridge.
Epilogue: On a branch about halfway down the ridge, its strap snagged on a branch, hung the GPS. The map was never found.
The blue speck in front of the large rock in the center of this shot is the
GPS in its case; the speck on the shoulder of the highway directly below it is the Jeep.
We drove into Best Friends, basically across Highway 89 from Tiny Canyon, and investigated an old tin-roofed shed at the base of sandstone cliff. It turned out to be a rickety structure over a two-pit Indian granary. There was plenty of recent graffiti and one image that might be a petroglyph.
Shed at base of sandstone cliff
Grain storage pit under roof