Thursday, May 16, 2013

Keepin' It Local

Thursday, May 16th
Day Off #3

We got our fill of driving yesterday so the opportunity to stay close to home today was quite appealing.  The cliffs creating the cove our RV park is nestled into have interested us since we arrived and today we determined to explore them.  After a bit of bush-whacking, we stumbled across a trail that led upward along the ledge.  A gentle climb brought us from the base to the first level and provided a view three miles down-canyon to Kanab.  We named it Morris Mesa and marked a spot from which ascending to the summit looks definitely possible.

After lunch we went to the Red Pueblo Museum in Fredonia, AZ, 7 miles east of Kanab.  What a treasure!  The guide, a gentleman about our age, was instrumental in founding and stocking the museum, which is an entirely volunteer operation; his narrative was knowledgeable, first-hand and fascinating.   The museum displays rare Anasazi artifacts discovered by locals; Navajo pottery and spectacular rugs and blankets; a few pieces of lovely Paiute bead work; and some historical relics.  On the grounds we were able to enter a replica of a dug-out house and an authentic sheep wagon, peep through the windows of a 1930s pioneer cabin and see an old well-digging contraption.

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