Friday, May 31, 2013


Wednesday, May 29th
Day Off #3

We intended to hike in Zion to Two Pine Tree Arch and then on to Progeny Peak using social trails described on-line.  When we pulled into the parking lot in the vicinity of the trailhead, it was occupied by two young men of unkempt appearance and their battered minivan.  Not completely certain that this was the spot mentioned in the write-up and a bit reluctant to leave the Jeep unattended, we moved to the next pull-over and entered the wash north of the road to explore some other trails. 

We walked about a mile in Pine Creek Wash, enthralled by the rich, glowing colors of the rock above us as gentle morning sunlight crept into the canyon.  Reaching a major rockfall, we decided to turn around (even though ascending it looked within our abilities) because we didn't know what lay beyond.  We crossed under the road via a rock tunnel to enter Clear Creek Wash on the other side.  It was less colorful than Pine Creek but more interesting due to its narrow and serpentine slot sections.  Once again we found ourselves wading through deep sand, rock-hopping and scrabbling over boulders, traveling about a mile and a half while roughly parallel to Route 9.

Several tiny but fearless hummingbirds have laid claim to our site.  Two flew up to inspect me when I came out of the RV yesterday afternoon.  One hovered about six inches from my nose in order to let me know who's really in charge.  He then moved to investigate the tail light; I suspect its red color attracted his attention.

Our neighbor Deb told us she'd found a rattlesnake on her concrete patio earlier in the day.  A volunteer from Best Friends was dispatched to relocate the reptile but was unable to find him.

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