Monday, May 6, 2013

What a Day!

Monday, May 6th

First off, we caught our first--and not likely our only--critter of the season, a little mouse foolish enough to invade our space.  Not a great way to start the day...

When we got to work (at 6 AM), Diane looked awful; she probably had the same stomach bug which tackled Roland on Friday.  We convinced her to go home; we could handle the desk.  The next shift reported at 3:00 so we not only 'flew without a safety net,' we put in a 9-hour day.  The situation gave us a lot of practice and having to figure things out on our own made the day a valuable learning experience.  I just hope we don't have to work 9 hours tomorrow!

We rested at home for a couple of hours and then drove to Kanab to walk around town.  Crossing the parking lot we found a wallet containing a lot of crisp, large denomination bills and several credit cards issued by a Dutch or German
bank, obviously a tourist's vacation funds.  Determined to do the right thing, we walked to the town police station.  And discoverd it closes at 5 PM daily.  However, a sign on the door directed us to the sheriff's office several blocks away.  The man sweeping the entry there informed us that the office had moved 'out near the reservoir' and gestured vaguely south.  A stop at the customer service desk in the grocery store helped us deteremine the new location, several miles out of town.  We arrived and entered a deserted lobby.  A phone on the counter connected to a dispatcher who sent an officer to retrieve the wallet from us.  He said he'd give it to a town policeman tomorrow.  Hopefully tourist and wallet will be reunited successfully.

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