Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Heat Wave

July 1-3, 2013

Our days off for this week, Monday through Thursday, come during a heat wave scorching the Southwest.  Temperatures during the day are over 100* and in the high 60s at night; our air-conditioner runs constantly.

We tried a close-to-home hike on Monday to look for Indian ruins in one of Kanab Creek's side canyons.  Although we set out before 8 AM, the temperature shot up rapidly as the sun rose above the cliffs.  About two miles up the canyon, the faint intermittent track we followed disappeared.  Because continuing down into the wash looked as difficult and dangerous as scrambling to the rim, we turned around and trudged back in blazing sunlight.

A respite from the heat seemed in order for yesterday and we stuck to indoor destinations--the barber shop, the museum in Fredonia, the bookstore and Kanab's Heritage Museum. 

A few weeks ago Fred found handprints and sharpening grooves on the cliff above the RV park and he wanted to explore that area more thoroughly.  By 7:15 we were threading our way over rocks, around scrubby trees and along steep piles of scree, climbing about 150'.  The reward for our exertion was discovering many petroglyphs, a weathered date with initials and more sharpening grooves.

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