Friday, July 12, 2013

Water Fall

Day Off #1
July 11, 2013

Today's destination was Pine Creek Falls in Zion.  We wedged the Jeep into the last bit of pavement at the trailhead, noticing dark clouds scudding overhead.  Walking parallel to the creek but unable to see it until we to had to descend from the bank to the water, we began to hear whoops and hollers.  Rounding a bend, we saw a large family group enjoying the deep pool at the base of a high jump-off rock.  A bit beyond the swimmers, we reached the falls--a lovely little stream that cascades into a deep circular pool.  We would have liked to stay longer but rumbles of thunder made a compelling case for immediate departure.  Rain began to fall right before we got back to the Jeep and increased as we drove toward the southern gate.
Threatening clouds over Zion's Temple of Sacrifice
Pine Creek Falls

In order to avoid the dangerous switchback ascent to the tunnel--and to have lunch in Hurricane--we took the long route home, through Arizona.  There was evidence of hard rain all along the way even though it had stopped by the time we got to Fredonia.  When we arrived home, Settlers Cove looked very wet and had that wonderful desert-after-the-rain smell.

Below is a picture of a beautiful arrowhead that Fred found near our RV after the hard rain.

and another found today 7/14

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