Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Better Weather

August 28th
Day Off #2

The weather has improved significantly since yesterday.  Good thing, too, because being confined to the RV was taking its toll on our spirits.  Fred guessed that all the rain we've received in the past few days would serve to stabilize the sand road to the Indian Canyon rock art site near Coral Pink Sands State Park.  He was right!  We negotiated the deep sand, rock ledges and steep grades with no trouble. 

The difficulty of the approach limits the number of visitors; we saw and heard no one from the time we left Route 89 until we returned to it.  Finding the alcove in which the petroglyphs and pictograms are located was a bit tricky but well worth the search.  The majority of figures decorating the back wall were colorfully painted rather than pecked and many wore a head-dress (?) or hair style (?) that we haven't seen in other depictions.  Unfortunately, a modern 'artist' has seen fit to add his own touches to the panel.

Looking down the South Fork of Indian Canyon from the trailhead.

Large alcove containing the petroglyphs and pictograms.

Some of the 'ghostly' pictograms.


 Mother Nature does rock art, too:


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