Friday, August 2, 2013

Navajo Lake Bike Ride

August 2
Day Off #2

The drive to Navajo Lake took little more than an hour.  Because it was chilly and breezy as we unloaded the bikes, we decided to tackle the in-the-woods portion of the route first and let the day warm up before we rode out in the open near the lake.  Great plan except it didn't take into account two important factors:  #1.  the first leg is a steep uphill filled with roots and loose rocks; and #2. Navajo Lake is 9000' above sea level and we're used to Kanab's elevation of 4500'.

At about 3.5 miles, we intersected the Lodge Trail, one we hadn't ridden before, and took it--giving up all the elevation we'd struggled to gain.  It dropped us at the little camp store--well-timed for a rest and a snack.  I knew better than to ask my quads to do any more serious climbing so we took the flat-to-rolling section of the trail for an exhilarating ride.
Navajo Lake Trail Along the Lake

We stopped at Aspen Mirror Lake, a popular fishing spot, for a quick, easy walk.  Our neighbor recommended circling the lake but weaving through the many groups picnicking or fishing along the shore wasn't too appealing.

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