Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Rock Slab Cabin with Petroglyphs

Today Jan had to work and I didn't so I set off to explore a small side canyon to Kanab Creek a couple of miles up the road from our RV site. We were told when we first arrived that there were petroglyphs a small distance up the canyon but we were unsuccessful in our attempt to find them.

Within 20 minutes of hiking I had crossed the deep and steep-sided wash and reached the end of the canyon. Here I found a panel of petroglyphs that are a different style from most of the ones we have found elsewhere.

End of Side Canyon
Panel of Petroglyphs
Unexpectedly, I also found a small cabin that was made from three large rock slabs with a tin roof and wooden side wall. The entrance was a small crevice between the rock slabs.  The interior firepit with bucket and miscellaneous items indicated that someone had been living or camping there.
Cabin Entrance


Cabin Interior
The round trip hike was a little over a mile and took 40 minutes with a double descent and ascent of approximately a 50-60 ft deep sand wash.

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