Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Curses, Foiled Again!

Tuesday, May 14th
Day Off #1

Today was the first of three days off so we went to the BLM office for The Wave lottery.  With 39 applications for 10 slots, we and many others left without the elusive permit. 

OK, on to the next item on the agenda:  breakfast at Parry Lodge on Parry Lodge, thanks to the free passes included in our first paycheck.  The buffet was delicious and well-stocked even though we arrived barely before it was scheduled to close.

Just a few miles north of Kanab is an unpaved road leading to Indian petroglyphs and, farther out, dinosaur tracks.  Although the description stated a high-clearance 4WD vehicle is necessary, it didn't mention sand--very deep sand.   We were about 1.5 miles from the trail head when we began plowing through it rather than rolling over it. Wary of getting stuck again, we turned around and headed out.  It seems exploring the outback in this part of Utah really requires ATVs.

On the return trip to the RV we visited Moqui Cave, a large, deep alcove in the Vermilion Cliffs.  A secluded spot where local teenagers partied, the property was purchased by a Mormon couple in the 1950s.  They transformed it into an bar and dance hall and ran it for several decades.  During those years, Garth discovered and displayed Indian stone points, pottery, fossils, fluourescent minerals as well as his own metal sculptures and wood carvings.  Desiring to retire, he and his wife sold the cave to its present owners who operate it as a roadside museum and gift shop.

The balance of the day was spent just messing around.  Hopefully, plans for Day Off #2 tomorrow will be more successful.

North of Kanab, looking northwest toward Zion

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