Sunday, May 12, 2013

Several Surprises

Sunday, May 12th
Mother's Day

One surprise is we're getting used to waking at 5 AM and starting work at 6:00.
Others included the Mother's Day bouquet of a red rose and baby's breath the restaurant staff gave to each mother/employee and tickets for the Lodge's breakfast buffet from Diane, our supervisor.  The most surprising surprise was a visit from Meryl and George, the personable couple we'd met in Zion on Thursday.  They intended to go to the North Rim but didn't realize it isn't open until Wednesday.  We suggested several hikes we enjoyed around Hurricane, where they're staying, as alternatives for today.  Who knows, perhaps we'll encounter them again !

1 comment:

  1. I just learned that in the South- if you are given red flowers or wear red on Mothers Day it symbolizes "blood"/life; that your mother is alive, and if you receive white flowers/wear white it means that your mother has passed.
    Love your posts!- xo Christina
